It's before 7am and as usual I've been up for about 30 minutes. Nature calls and the furfaces must answer! Sookie wants breakfast more than bathroom, also usual. She's VERY food motivated! So, while a sweet, sweet dog, she will protect the "Great Giver of Food"! LOL No stranger will enter the premises until she has been kenneled and she still lets her displeasure be known by her growls and long "talks" about the unfairness of the situation. She is big enough to impress even the bravest of souls and the bars of her jail look awfully flimsy to the stranger. She also doesn't mind shaking the door of her kennel for greater effect...just to let people know that should she so desire, she can escape.

Jackie boy on the other hand will emit deafening barks and growls - from under the bed preferably. I have little doubt that if Sookie attacks, he'd be right behind her bringing up the rear - and would gladly run for help if necessary! His bark is definitely worse than his bite. By my, doesn't he sound impressive!
Well, coffee is done and the sky is growing light...sorta. Don't I hate daylight savings! But that's a whole nother story for some other time.
Off to meet the day!