Thursday, December 29, 2016

Early Morning...

It's before 7am and as usual I've been up for about 30 minutes. Nature calls and the furfaces must answer! Sookie wants breakfast more than bathroom, also usual. She's VERY food motivated! So, while a sweet, sweet dog, she will protect the "Great Giver of Food"! LOL No stranger will enter the premises until she has been kenneled and she still lets her displeasure be known by her growls and long "talks" about the unfairness of the situation. She is big enough to impress even the bravest of souls and the bars of her jail look awfully flimsy to the stranger. She also doesn't mind shaking the door of her kennel for greater effect...just to let people know that should she so desire, she can escape.


Jackie boy on the other hand will emit deafening barks and growls - from under the bed preferably. I have little doubt that if Sookie attacks, he'd be right behind her bringing up the rear - and would gladly run for help if necessary! His bark is definitely worse than his bite. By my, doesn't he sound impressive!

Well, coffee is done and the sky is growing light...sorta. Don't I hate daylight savings! But that's a whole nother story for some other time. 

Off to meet the day!


Tuesday, December 27, 2016


The old adage is true; men give love to get sex and women give sex to get love.

In our society, sex has become our god and youth our idol. We live and breath sex. Sex with strangers has become the norm. We have cheapened what should be the greatest intimacy between two people into something cheap and tawdry. The idea of saving yourself for your future husband or wife is viewed as ludicrous now. We become acquainted after sex...then expect a relationship to last when we know little, if anything, about that person. Hearts are broken and our disappointment and cynicism grows with each failed relationship.

And I myself use to be the same way... before I became a Christian, I believed what my mother had brought me up to believe. My intelligence, my humor, my zest for life meant nothing. I was worth only what I looked like and what was between my legs. And with each failed relationship, I wondered what was wrong with me. What couldn't I connect on a deep level with anyone, not realizing I was dooming myself by making sex the only thing I was worth.

Our society has doomed women and men by making sex the only thing that matters. We are bombarded with images of passionate couples, forever young, making love endlessly. Then we wonder why our daughters are getting pregnant outside of marriage at alarming rates, committing suicide because they don't match the image portrayed on TV and in the movies, and settling for men who treat them like pieces of meat. Men leave their wives and children for younger models, chasing that dream of youth and sex; believing that this younger woman will bring back their own youth. Years of real intimacy with their wives thrown away and sacrificed to the god of sex. Children destroyed in the process.

Throughout history, where the family is destroyed, so is the nation. Where sex and anything goes morality is the norm, the nation soon follows and dies. There is no wonder our nation is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy because we have destroyed our future.


Monday, December 26, 2016

Out of Shape...


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Squirrel Cartoons

HO, HO, HO...

It has been a very nice Christmas day at our little house. Everybody got great goodies and we are preparing to eat ourselves to death with a non-traditional Christmas dinner - stroganoff! LOL

Jack has spent most of the afternoon chasing squirrels - I had no idea his little self could jump so high! Said squirrels have been busy grabbing birdseed from the new batch I put out this morning; jumping from tree to tree, limb to limb. Their antics have completely undone my poor Jackie boy! LOL

Company is in attendance - I scrubbed and cleaned this morning getting ready. My mom taught me that no company could ever come to a house that wasn't spotless and she trained me well!  After wearing myself out, I decided to take a well earned nap...unfortunately, Jack didn't agree and kept waking me up barking. Have I mentioned that my Jackie boy is a barker? And whiner, crier, howler when squirrels are present - or A LEAF DROPS! Whichever comes first.

I have been talking with a very nice man I met online. He has a great sense of humor - something I appreciate since I too am not "right". We've spent hours laughing at each other - it's been great! LOL Life is far too short not to laugh at every possible opportunity.

Here's hoping that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and feels the love of our Father who has sent us the best present in the history of mankind, Jesus Christ.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jackie Boy...

My little Wal-Mart Special... All 30lbs of him.


I love you… I do.
Not in the ways I’ve felt before
Not in swooning declarations
No heart pounding longing here

I love you with laughter
With memories shared
Long talks into the night
Inappropriate remarks & lighthearted flirts

I love you with easy acceptance
Days that pass faster with your words
Long days of missing those sounds
When I try to break the trance

I love you in quiet peace
Happy with the way it is
Soft wishes that don’t have to come true
Having you in ways more important

I love you…
Yes, I really do
With joy and merriment
With heart and soul

And I love you, for all reasons
For bringing out the best
And not minding the rest
For being my friend….



I am not in love with you
Of this, I am completely sure
And yet, I compare each conversation
Each voice and laugh
And find them wanting…

I am not in love with you
Days can pass that we don’t speak
And I only think of you
In fleeting moments, idle hours
Hardly worth mentioning…

I am not in love with you
There are no butterflies
Dancing in my chest, fluttering in my belly
No great longing
To feel your body in mine

I am not in love with you
Of this I am completely sure
Yet why this feeling of relief
That you have passed by
Without touching
Without lips meeting….

Because I am not in love with you
Because it is safe
Because I am not in love with you
Never to touch you
Because I am not in love with you
Never to miss you too much
Because I am not in love with you…


You are ruining my life
Every cup of coffee shared
It’s you I see
Every late night fantasy
Involves you

You are ruining my life
It’s your laugh I hear
It’s your invitation I want
This distraction is taking my chances
Your face replaces all others

You are ruining my life
Here at this crossroads
Of wanting more
Of needing arms around me
I try to move away from you

You are ruining my life
I snatch the phone, I dial your number
Needing the sound of your voice
To chase away the taste
Of another failed meeting

You are ruining my life
Here I am on the brink
Too afraid to confront the discontent
Coward, fool that I am
I need, I want the man who is ruining my life


Doors opened to the breeze
Windows at half-mast
Air that is crisp and cool
Summer days just around the corner

Beds that need turning
Waiting for summer blooms
Buds an overnight explosion
As trees prepare their shade

Robins and crows make their incursions
Into a hostile war zone
Food bowl fiercely guarded
By a giant with teeth

Birds call and scream their definace
As her regal head is held high
She watches for the next attack
And growls her defiance at battles lost

I watch and smoke with ankles crossed
Drinking my coffee and smiling over the rim
These are the days to remember
Joy upon joy fills me

I am rich beyond measure
What more can this world offer
Than these quiet beauties
Than these glorious days


We pursue sleep, frantic
Longing to grab and hold
To wrap tight fingers in it’s hair
And pull it close

We move, we roll
Arms and legs hanging
Heads tossed, covers moved
Rearranged in our torment

Sleep eludes us, laughs
Sneering grin at our desire
Just out of reach
Wanton, callus, sadistic

Almost like lust
Our desire, our longing
To be wrapped in sleep’s embrace
And there find release

Not in Love...

I am not in love with you
Of this, I am completely sure
And yet, I compare each conversation
Each voice and laugh
And find them wanting…

I am not in love with you
Days can pass that we don’t speak
And I only think of you
In fleeting moments, idle hours
Hardly worth mentioning…

I am not in love with you
There are no butterflies
Dancing in my chest, fluttering in my belly
No great longing
To feel your body in mine

I am not in love with you
Of this I am completely sure
Yet why this feeling of relief
That you have passed by
Without touching
Without lips meeting….

Because I am not in love with you
Because it is safe
Because I am not in love with you
Never to touch you
Because I am not in love with you
Never to miss you too much
Because I am not in love with you…

Off to See the Wizard….

I look in the mirror and sometimes (not so much lately), see the girl I use to be staring back. She has a look somewhere between terror and confusion, “What the HECK happened to my face?! Where are those perky boobies I use to be so proud of?!” AND my butt has moved to my hips! And it just gets worse from there…. sigh… moan…

Mirrors should be banned from any room where I might catch a glimpse of myself naked –  immediately!
Why, it was only yesterday that I was wearing tie-dye and bell bottoms! Long hair flying in the breeze. Tomorrow was years away and like Scarlet, fiddle-dee-dee, I’d worry about it tomorrow!
Hot? Heck, I can’t even stay warm….

So, here’s to all the girls and boys who find themselves staring into reality and seeing yesterday!

The White House and Other Institutions of Insanity….

I am amazed at the divisions our country is experiencing. I didn’t vote for Obama either time he ran. I didn’t riot, I didn’t loot, I didn’t set fires, and I didn’t destroy property because I was upset he won…although when he was reelected I became convinced that our country had gone insane.
The media and our leaders have destroyed the confidence we once had in our government. The very people we need to protect us, the police, are being killed because of the hate the media and our civic leaders are spreading. There is no longer any meeting of the minds or the right to think differently. We have become a country of hate filled, biased, whiners who think that everyone must be of the same opinion – or else!

Where is the country our brave men and women have fought and died for? Where is the country that thrived on diversity? Where are the morals, family values, the sense of right and wrong that us baby boomers grew up with? What happened to tolerance? What happened to work ethics? What happened to taking care of our own first? What happened to NOT supporting the countries that hate us and want to destroy us? What happened to common sense?

We have a president who has apologized to Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., because in the past, we refused to support their policies and their obtaining nuclear weapons; which he has now agreed to. We have a president who is busy downsizing our military, letting our veterans go without the basic necessities of life in order to bring in more Syrian refugees – which we, the tax payer, are expected to support. These refugees are coming in breaking our laws, killing our people, and expecting to get everything for free – and sadly, they’re getting it – while our president and Hillary tell us that their religion is a religion of peace and that we must be more tolerant.

Our social security, which we American workers have paid into for all our working lives, is almost gone because it has been stolen by our government – and never make the mistake of thinking we will ever be repaid. And while the senate is giving themselves a nice, big raise while our SSI is getting almost nothing (I got a $2.00 per month raise), for the cost of living increases. Apparently $174,000 per year is just not enough to live on for them..

Thank the Lord that the people have spoken and said “enough”!

I have predicted for months that Obama was going to fight to keep his position – and he has already started… now calling for an investigation into Russia! I believe he will fight Trump taking office until he is forced out by the military – who have had enough of him too. I believe traitor Hillary will be right there with him in the fight. She too is a power hungry, lying, traitorous, nut job.