Tuesday, December 27, 2016


The old adage is true; men give love to get sex and women give sex to get love.

In our society, sex has become our god and youth our idol. We live and breath sex. Sex with strangers has become the norm. We have cheapened what should be the greatest intimacy between two people into something cheap and tawdry. The idea of saving yourself for your future husband or wife is viewed as ludicrous now. We become acquainted after sex...then expect a relationship to last when we know little, if anything, about that person. Hearts are broken and our disappointment and cynicism grows with each failed relationship.

And I myself use to be the same way... before I became a Christian, I believed what my mother had brought me up to believe. My intelligence, my humor, my zest for life meant nothing. I was worth only what I looked like and what was between my legs. And with each failed relationship, I wondered what was wrong with me. What couldn't I connect on a deep level with anyone, not realizing I was dooming myself by making sex the only thing I was worth.

Our society has doomed women and men by making sex the only thing that matters. We are bombarded with images of passionate couples, forever young, making love endlessly. Then we wonder why our daughters are getting pregnant outside of marriage at alarming rates, committing suicide because they don't match the image portrayed on TV and in the movies, and settling for men who treat them like pieces of meat. Men leave their wives and children for younger models, chasing that dream of youth and sex; believing that this younger woman will bring back their own youth. Years of real intimacy with their wives thrown away and sacrificed to the god of sex. Children destroyed in the process.

Throughout history, where the family is destroyed, so is the nation. Where sex and anything goes morality is the norm, the nation soon follows and dies. There is no wonder our nation is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy because we have destroyed our future.


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