Saturday, December 24, 2016


I love you… I do.
Not in the ways I’ve felt before
Not in swooning declarations
No heart pounding longing here

I love you with laughter
With memories shared
Long talks into the night
Inappropriate remarks & lighthearted flirts

I love you with easy acceptance
Days that pass faster with your words
Long days of missing those sounds
When I try to break the trance

I love you in quiet peace
Happy with the way it is
Soft wishes that don’t have to come true
Having you in ways more important

I love you…
Yes, I really do
With joy and merriment
With heart and soul

And I love you, for all reasons
For bringing out the best
And not minding the rest
For being my friend….



I am not in love with you
Of this, I am completely sure
And yet, I compare each conversation
Each voice and laugh
And find them wanting…

I am not in love with you
Days can pass that we don’t speak
And I only think of you
In fleeting moments, idle hours
Hardly worth mentioning…

I am not in love with you
There are no butterflies
Dancing in my chest, fluttering in my belly
No great longing
To feel your body in mine

I am not in love with you
Of this I am completely sure
Yet why this feeling of relief
That you have passed by
Without touching
Without lips meeting….

Because I am not in love with you
Because it is safe
Because I am not in love with you
Never to touch you
Because I am not in love with you
Never to miss you too much
Because I am not in love with you…

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