Sunday, December 25, 2016

HO, HO, HO...

It has been a very nice Christmas day at our little house. Everybody got great goodies and we are preparing to eat ourselves to death with a non-traditional Christmas dinner - stroganoff! LOL

Jack has spent most of the afternoon chasing squirrels - I had no idea his little self could jump so high! Said squirrels have been busy grabbing birdseed from the new batch I put out this morning; jumping from tree to tree, limb to limb. Their antics have completely undone my poor Jackie boy! LOL

Company is in attendance - I scrubbed and cleaned this morning getting ready. My mom taught me that no company could ever come to a house that wasn't spotless and she trained me well!  After wearing myself out, I decided to take a well earned nap...unfortunately, Jack didn't agree and kept waking me up barking. Have I mentioned that my Jackie boy is a barker? And whiner, crier, howler when squirrels are present - or A LEAF DROPS! Whichever comes first.

I have been talking with a very nice man I met online. He has a great sense of humor - something I appreciate since I too am not "right". We've spent hours laughing at each other - it's been great! LOL Life is far too short not to laugh at every possible opportunity.

Here's hoping that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and feels the love of our Father who has sent us the best present in the history of mankind, Jesus Christ.


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