Sunday, January 1, 2017

A New Year

Here we are, starting this new year. Each of us hoping that this year is going to be better than the last. Yet, as we reflect on the past year, haven't the trials and disappointments taught us valuable lessons and grown us as human beings? Would we really be the same without them?

And the tests we failed...ah, another year to learn what God is trying to teach us. I myself have great hope that I can learn to control my temper - which has always been a trial. Being a solitary creature, I find that learning to live with others has always been difficult for me. Us old birds are strange indeed and slow to acclimate to others. Especially when we've spent years on our own.

No resolutions for me - we never keep them anyway. Just prayers to the God who is always in control to change me into a better person.

Happy New Year to all!


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