Sunday, April 16, 2017


My dearest friend Phillip, is losing his batle with bone cancer. He fought hard and well for many years, showing more courage than I can imagine. He did it with grace, never lossing his sense of fun or his kindness to others. Cancer is a mean, nasty bastard and it's easy to loose your way as you fight him. But, not Phillip!

Phil has been one of those rare finds...a friend that sticks with you in hard times, always ready to listen and lend you a hand up when you fall. He was there for me when my husband deserted me and there for me as I tried to get back on my feet financially. He was there for me as a shining example; a giant, heroic figure to me when I was diagnosed with my own cancer. How could you have a fatalistic attitude knowing Phil?

Phil has seen more than his share of horror, losing his long time partner just a few years ago. He wasn't spared the heartbreak of actually finding the love of his life and trying to save him, doing CPR until help arrived. They loved each other deeply and took such tender care of each other. Jeff battled diabetes that was nearly uncontrollable and that had caused his body terrible damage. And Jeff was there for him during a broken back and when he was first diagnosed with cancer. Such love and loyalty is rare indeed. I was amazed and humbled by their love for each other.

Phil has been the kindest person I've ever known - he truly has no idea of how much I not only admire him, but love him.  I have been blessed by his life and his friendship. This world ill be a much darker place without him.

Thank you, Phil,

May the angels take you gently into their arms and into heaven where I will see you again when my time comes. I'll miss you terribly until then, my friend.


April 16, 2017

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